Keymaker (KEY) has been listed on XeggeX exchange in the following markets:


About Keymaker (KEY)
Keymaker Coin uses is Curve25519, also known as “Curvehash” for GPU mining and Minotaurx algorithm for CPU as a type of Proof of Work along with Proof of Stake which is earning at 1.1 KEY multiplied by the time coin is held. Our soon-to-be-released mining software, Keyminer is designed for cross-chain mining along with our AI market-making software for trades and liquidity. Our aim is to continue to build liquidity and join other markets with the Keymaker pegged token wKEY.

Find out more information at their website here:

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for KEY
Posted by: Karl @ 3/21/2023, 12:43:36 AM GMT