Unobtanium (UNO) has been listed on Xeggex exchange in the following markets:


About Unobtanium (UNO)
Unobtanium (UNO) is a rare SHA256d cryptocurrency which passed through its inflationary phase in 2013-2015. Only 250,000 Uno will be mined in 300 years, and there is no POS. The launch of Uno was fair, announced publicly and well in advance, and is supported by blockchain analysis. The first 1,000 blocks were mined at a reward of just .001 Uno per block to allow all miners to setup their equipments. Bitcointalk messages show the creator of Uno, Blazr2, offering to purchase Uno for the faucet service in the first day after launch. Uno is often referred to as a crypto-commodity due to its rarity and desirability, and it's tendency to hold its value in a declining Bitcoin market. The community boasts many precious metals enthusiasts and Uno-to-metals dealers who are attracted by its scarcity. The Uno community measures Uno holdings in kgs and tons, rather than as coins and this vernacular is also experienced within the wallet.

Find out more information at their website here:

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for UNO
Posted by: Karl @ 4/16/2022, 1:53:58 PM GMT